Thursday, May 28, 2009

Rain, Rain

Dear Rain,
Please Go away!

Your attempts at drowning my vegetable patch are greatly unappreciated :)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. ~Dr. Seuss
Oh, buddy, you can sure tell the above picture is from the days before the D80! Cooperative pictures of Monkey are hard to come by, and when she will be still, or smile for a photo, well, what you see above is fairly representative of what you get :)

"The little things are most worthwhile, a quiet word, a look, a smile" ~ Margaret Lindsey
Prior to getting the D80, my main requirement for a new camera, was that I just wanted something that could catch the sparkle in people's eyes. I look at all the pictures from the past months, and it is SO nice to have that now!
I hope everyone is having a GREAT memorial day! Filled with lots of good food, family, friends, and most importantly, thankfulness for all of the brave men and women, past and present, in our armed forces!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seven Days....

Only 7 Days left in the school year! I can't believe how fast this school year has flown by, and how much she's grown! Several inches, enough in fact, that she is now tall enough to ride most of the rides at Cedar Point! Sometimes I am just amazed at how my 9 pound chubby baby has turned into such a tall, curious, beautiful little girl. Where has time gone? I sure hope it slows down a little this summer, we have so much great stuff planned!
Garden Post tomorrow! Have a great Thursday everyone!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

After school smiles

I am loving pictures like these right now. In a large part, because her two front teeth are starting to get loose. I was starting to wonder when they would. She lost 3 bottom teeth in a months time, almost a year ago. So, I know the days of her perfect little baby teeth are short lived. I have a feeling she may be spending some of this summer trying to figure out how exactly one eats corn on the cob with no front teeth! :)

Monday, May 18, 2009


~Sometimes we strive so hard for perfection that we forget that imperfection is happiness~

~Karen Nave

This picture makes me smile, hair in her face and all! She had just gotten off the bus, and we were talking about how there are only a few days of school left, and how excited we are for summer!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The *Best* Mothers day gift, ever!

I'm sure all the other moms out there "get" my pride. :)
Hope ya'll had a very special mothers day!!
Have a GREAT week!!

Atlantis on it's way to Hubble

*wow* what a sight to see! Monkey is now going to probably think every airplane she spots is a space shuttle :)

Anybody else watch?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Where there's smoke, there's......Jeremy???

The neighbors had a barn fire the other day, being a metal structure, I don't think it took the whole thing out, but it was sure big enough and close enough to be a bit scary!! I hadn't even known a THING was going on, until my friend Shannon calls me, and asks, me, "Is your house on fire, girl?" I jump up, immediately, look around frantically, then say, (boy that's not a ordinary sort of greeting you expect when you answer the phone) Her guy is on one of the local fire departments that got called out, and she heard the call as well, and they didn't give a exact address as far as a house number, they just gave the block of the street, and "engulfed" , so she knew it was close. This was also one of her guys last runs with this fire department before they moved, so I got asked to take a few pics for her. So, Shannon, here you go!

By the time my camera and I got to where the fire had been, they were still dumping water on it, but most all of the smoke and such had cleared. Here they are cutting a hole in the back on the barn. That would be my friends guy at the top of the ladder.

I don't have a clue who these three are, this was one of the first pictures I took, and was still in the process of figuring out which one of many firefighters dressed alike was Shannon's guy. I would guess they are switching out some kind of oxygen tank?

Then they carried the ladder back to one of the trucks. At this point, Jeremy was probably feeling one of two things... a) special he was the main focus of a somewhat crazy girl armed with a camera. or... b) annoyed/embarrassed by the fact that he had his own paparazzi that day. or... maybe I was far enough back that he didn't notice me clicking away???

Aw, heck.... There went thinking he hadn't noticed me. hehe. At least he doesn't look *too* annoyed, or ready to crawl under the fire truck and hide from embarrassment.
At least that's what I'm telling myself. :)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tip Toe

Spring is in full swing here, and the flowers are back, at last! I love watching these come up every year, they are proof winter is over :)