Thursday, May 21, 2009

Seven Days....

Only 7 Days left in the school year! I can't believe how fast this school year has flown by, and how much she's grown! Several inches, enough in fact, that she is now tall enough to ride most of the rides at Cedar Point! Sometimes I am just amazed at how my 9 pound chubby baby has turned into such a tall, curious, beautiful little girl. Where has time gone? I sure hope it slows down a little this summer, we have so much great stuff planned!
Garden Post tomorrow! Have a great Thursday everyone!!


Heidi said...

We actually have 13 more days until school is out. All next week, except for Monday of course and the following week until Thursday!! I am looking forward to June 5th when we can sleep in!! Have a great day!

Sadie said...

We just have next week minues monday,and then the following monday. Why on earth we go back in for just that one day makes no sense to me! I am soooo ready for the first!

Hope you have a great memorial day weekend!