Tuesday, May 19, 2009

After school smiles

I am loving pictures like these right now. In a large part, because her two front teeth are starting to get loose. I was starting to wonder when they would. She lost 3 bottom teeth in a months time, almost a year ago. So, I know the days of her perfect little baby teeth are short lived. I have a feeling she may be spending some of this summer trying to figure out how exactly one eats corn on the cob with no front teeth! :)


Heidi said...

awww, I called my girls "toothless wonders" when they lost their front baby teeth. So cute and it only last a short period before those darn adult teeth come in and then they look so grown up. Enjoy these moments, it goes by so quickly.

Keaton Elise said...

she is SO precious! :) i lost alllll my baby teeth by time i was in first grade and had braces by third! so be glad her baby teeth have hung around as long as they have! :) lol