Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Fishing Trip, Part 1

Toward the end of our fishing trip with friends yesterday, my friend reminded me when her birthday was, and that she wanted prints of whatever "close ups" there were of her kiddo's. I told her I would try, but that by September, if I didn't have anything in that days pictures, I would for sure have something by her birthday. Then once I got home, and loaded pics on my computer, I came across these three that I love. I really hope she does too! There are several other pics from the fishing trip, that I will be sharing later in the week, as well as some super cute ones of faith getting off the bus her last day of 1st grade. I wanted to put these three up separately, as a "set" of sorts. Hope everyone will take a peek, and let me know what you think, as the new camera is still quite a learning process :)

He cooperated SO well! Most boys see a camera, and have equivalently the same reaction as they would to a girl with cooties, or a request to practice make up on them or something. They tend to scoot...and fast. No sneaky photography required with him, yay!

See his eyelashes? They go for *miles* This one's my "buddy" I don't have any boys of my own, but he's special :)

and this one...shoot...She'd sit and pose all day I bet! Don't you just love her freckles? I was originally going to put this set as black and white, but I remember giving her momma a quick run through the pics while we were still fishing and they were all still in the camera, untouched, and how she said she loved her freckles, and well, I do too! So, I gave the set a whirl in sepia, and l*o*v*e*d it!
Hope everyone is having a great week, and I really hope some of my visitors will come out of hiding, and let me know what ya'll think, or at least say howdy! I see all these visitors across the country, and globe, and can't help but wonder who everyone is :)


Karen Deborah said...

excellent photos, beautiful kids, your a good friend.

Sadie said...

thank you! I have a lot of fun taking pictures. It's nice to have reminders of things you do throughout the year :)