Monday, June 1, 2009

Garden, Critters, and Last day of School!

She was *definitely* excited this morning!

I *must* be becoming a total sap over the years... I look at this picture, her last day of 1st grade, and her first and last days of preschool, and kindergarten flash thru my mind... and it's all I can do not to cry. My baby is growing up. Some how, being finished with the preschool and kindergarten was easier, you know... at the end of preschool, well, it was the end of PRE school. Then came the end of Kindergarten, and that was easier also, I guess somehow I convinced myself since it was kindergarten, and not really a official "grade" like first, second, ect, she was still *little* in a way... So.... here were are, the end of first grade, and there's no way around how much she has grown this year, and though it's hard in a way, to see her growing up so fast, I am SO proud of her! She's several inches taller, more confident, a ton smarter, and we are now scarily close in shoe size. *eek*
I was happy to catch some early morning sun before the storms move in today :)
I was also very happy to have some friends show up on Saturday! They moved several hours away 3 months or so ago, and it was nice to get to hang out awhile :) Then we bombarded the ice cream truck, and even the puppies had some! We were even able to get some night fishing in. This is their dog, Max, he's a lab mastiff mix, and is a big baby. He missed DJ :)

Here's Dixie too. Her ears can't seem to make up their mind. They go up, they come down..... whats funny is they seem to change with the weather. In dry stretches, they lay down, when air pressure changes and wet weather is ahead, they come up!

Got some stuff coming up in the garden here and there :) Here are some pics I took last night. The sun was setting and there was some pretty light. Not all my flowers are white, they were just the ones getting the best light at the moment.

Extra points if you can identify all four plants above!

Busy week ahead here, and a weekend full of graduation parties coming too! Hope to take the camera along and have lots of pics to share!
Have a GREAT week everyone!!


Karen Deborah said...

Love those dog photos. Everybody is posting dog photos, i don't get baby blues anymore but sure am getting puppy blues. What is the little dog?
your daughter is gorgeous, you sound like you need another baby.

Sadie said...

Dixie is a Rat Terrier :) She's such a sweetie!

and Thank You, the camera definantly does agree with her, and she is just as beautiful on the inside! I do actually have another baby, well, she is 4 1/2. She's not in as many pictures, she's just not as cooperative, hahaha. We would like to have just *one* more, someday....